Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de distort

to distortdeformar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I distortyo deformo
you distorttú deformas
he distortsél deforma
she distortsella deforma
we distortnosotros deformamos
you distortvosotros deformáis
they distortellos deforman
they distortellas deforman

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I distortedyo deformé
you distortedtú deformaste
he distortedél deformó
she distortedella deformó
we distortednosotros deformamos
you distortedvosotros deformasteis
they distortedellos deformaron
they distortedellas deformaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have distortedyo he deformado
you have distortedtú has deformado
he has distortedél ha deformado
she has distortedella ha deformado
we have distortednosotros hemos deformado
you have distortedvosotros habéis deformado
they have distortedellos han deformado
they have distortedellas han deformado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had distortedyo había deformado
you had distortedtú habías deformado
he had distortedél había deformado
she had distortedella había deformado
we had distortednosotros habíamos deformado
you had distortedvosotros habíais deformado
they had distortedellos habían deformado
they had distortedellas habían deformado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will distortyo deformaré
you will distorttú deformarás
he will distortél deformará
she will distortella deformará
we will distortnosotros deformaremos
you will distortvosotros deformaréis
they will distortellos deformarán
they will distortellas deformarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have distortedyo habré deformado
you will have distortedtú habrás deformado
he will have distortedél habrá deformado
she will have distortedella habrá deformado
we will have distortednosotros habremos deformado
you will have distortedvosotros habréis deformado
they will have distortedellos habrán deformado
they will have distortedellas habrán deformado

I would distortyo deformaría
you would distorttú deformarías
he would distortél deformaría
she would distortella deformaría
we would distortnosotros deformaríamos
you would distortvosotros deformaríais
they would distortellos deformarían
they would distortellas deformarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have distortedyo habría deformado
you would have distortedtú habrías deformado
he would have distortedél habría deformado
she would have distortedella habría deformado
we would have distortednosotros habríamos deformado
you would have distortedvosotros habríais deformado
they would have distortedellos habrían deformado
they would have distortedellas habrían deformado

Participio presenteAnotado
distorting deformando

Participio pasadoAnotado
distorted deformado

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